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Presentation of the "Videoteca de Castilla - La Mancha". Don Emiliano Garcia-Page will present the innovative digital video collection of Castilla - La Mancha

Performance on March 7th.

A project in which 15 national and international artists participate. The exploration of limits is the key to this exhibition, which is why each of the participating artists has been dedicated a space to reflect on the topic. The works in the exhibition include painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video and installation.

From the mythical Whitechapel in London, almost 70 years later, a revision and version of "THIS IS TOMORROW" arrives in Madrid, the exhibition in which Lawrence Alloway and Theo Crosby brought together professionals from art, science, technology and representation to “envision together the image of the future” This is Tomorrow. Visions of the unknown curated by Juan Cabello Arribas and Rafael Serrano Bonilla recovers This is tomorrow to observe the future through the eyes of the 60 artists of the moment, an exhibition that can be seen at https://www.instagram.com/paisajedomestico / (Calle Alfonso Gómez 11 2ºA, 28037 Madrid) until April 26. Artists: Elena Lavellés | Santiago Morilla I Ruth Gómez I Avelino Sala I Susana Guerrero | Josechu Dávila I OUT OF THE LETTER (Patricia Mateo + José Luis López Moral) | Juan Francisco Casas I Ana Rod I Óscar Seco I María José Escolar I Xavi Muñoz I Montse Gómez Osuna I Jorge García I Elena Jiménez I Miguel Scheroff + Ira Torres I Ana Pérez Pereda I Elio Rodríguez I Lo Súper I Javier Aldarias I Lorena Gutierrez Camejo I Illán Argüello I Paloma Gámez I Alvar Haro I Mar Garrido I Manuel Antonio Dominguez | María Guzmán I Otón I Verónica Ruth Frías I Pascual Rodríguez I Ainoha Moreno López I Pablo Sola I Marina Vargas I Óscar Valero I Teresa Moro I Jeffrey Ludlow I Mar Solís I Diego Delas I Marta Serna I Quique Garcinuño I Belén Mazuecos I Hugo Alonso I Manuela Eichner I Carlos Aires I Lua Gandara I Arturo Méndez I Consuelo Chacón I Marco Prieto I Katia Giuliani I Eduardo Infante I Patricia Gómez + María Jesús Gonzalez I Dagoberto Rodríguez I Julia Gómez Mora I David Trullo I Paco Lagares I Ira Torres I Luis Feo I Cyro García I Jorge García
Puxagallery celebrated the end of 2023 and the entry into 2024 with a collective meeting titled "Own Room", a bet on the interior space of the four chosen authors. The exhibition demonstrates the ability to break molds and the undoubted expressive power of the recent works of Marta Beltrán, Sandra Paula Fernández, Mar Solís and Florencia de Titta, with different disciplines, materials, formats and supports.